Saturday, June 8, 2013

Satan's Attempt to Turn People Away from True Christianity To Selfish Hedonistic New Age Self Love

Dear Readers,
Try and try as they will the New Church will try to get you to think they are a legitimate form of Christianity. Due to their desperate recent attacks on Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses its no wonder they are trying to promote themselves in a good life. They speak of parables and metaphors but they make excuses , Swedenborg in his own works denounces such things as spirit mediums but contradicts himself by being just that. Evil is evil. These people believe Adam and Eve was a parable and that the story of Creationism was just a story. They want to denounce the Trinity but say others are less divine. They accused Jehovah's Witnesses of believing in the Trinity and leading people away from Divinity when it seems none of them have actually even done their homework. They are fiercely against the Trinity. Lies people like Pastor Coleman Glenn and others in the New Church will continue to tell you and I will continue to fair and unbiasly contradict it with cold hard facts, Bible truths, and reality. These New Age wankers have their heads so far up their rears they really believe anyone will take them seriously. They are agents of the true Dark Lord, Prince of Darkness, and evil Satan. If you notice in their works you never hear about Satan and rarely hear about Jesus. You hear Swedenborg this and New Church that. Instead of use Swedenborgs work as the go to and cornerstone of their faith and anyone who is Christian should know the Holy Bible is the foundation for Christian life. I will continue to fight against false religion, hypocrisy, Rachel Myatt, Pastor Coleman Glenn, The New Church and the evil that it represents.

God Bless True Christians.